1. The name of the Association is “PAKISTAN BEDWEAR EXPORTERS ASSOCIATIONâ€: (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Association’) II, The Registered Office of the Association shall be situated in the province of Sindh. III The Objects for which this Association is formed are the following:- 1. To promote, aid develop, Simulate and safeguard and protect the rights. Interest & privileges of the Bedwear home textile & other textile made-ups manufacturers and exporters in Pakistan and take necessary actions connected therewith.
2. To admit members to the Association upon such terms and conditions as may be determined from time by the Managing Committee.
3. To Organize Bedwear, home textile & other textile made-ups manufactures and exporters, and endeavour to organize Bedwear manufactures & exporters, and all allied items all over Pakistan, by enrolling them as its members.
4. To unite the members of the Association with a view to consider all questions connected with the trade and imports of raw materials, sales purchase, tax, quotas, permits and licences and to promote exports sale of the products manufactured by its members and to bring about a spirit of cooperation among the members of the Association.
5. To consider support or oppose legislation or other Govemental measures affecting the handloom, small power loom units industries, Particularly conceing the members of the Association and to procure a change of law (if necessary) and practice affecting the merchandise produced by its members and other matters conceed and to make representation Govement or other bodies of their grievances if any.
6. To render technical, managerial, supervisory and advisory assistance to its members.
7. To establish and maintain a library of books and other printed material and carry research in connections with Bedwear, home textile & other textile made-ups trade and industry.
8. To frame and enforce rules and regulations with the view of regularizing the purchase of different raw materials required, as well as promote the products produced and exported by its members.
9. To provide forms of contracts and other documents use in trade or commerce.
10. To purchase and construct, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire land and building and all other property movable or immovable which may be necessary for the purpose of the Association. 11-A To pay any and all expenses incurred in connection with the formation and registration of the Association.
11. To sell, improve, manage, develop, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the properties of the Association.
12. To borrow money for the purpose of Association as it may think fit.
13. To subscribe, become a member and co-operate with any other Association whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of this Association and to procure from and communicate to any such Association or Chamber such information as may be likely to forward the cause of this Association.
14. To encourage and facilitate the settlement of commercial disputes by arbitration or conciliation and to act as or nominate arbitrators and umpires in accordance with provisions of the Arbitration Act 1940 or bye-Laws of the Association as may be framed.
15. To accept, bequest, donations or subscription toward or to income and provide a fund or endowment or wakf, and to invest the same and as in the income arising there from or to resort to the capital thereof for any objects of the Association.
16. To file, prosecute, defend or concur, join or aid in filing, prosecuting or defending any such actions, suits, applications, appeals or other proceedings as the Association may think proper or conducive to the objects of the Association and to appoint advocates, attoeys and legal advisers thereof or for any other purpose. 17. To aid and to receive aid from any other society, association, company subscribe to any fund or society, as may be considered deserving from time to time.
18. To enter into any arrangement with the Federal, Provincial or Local Govements or authorities that may seem conducive to the objects of the Association or any one of them, and to obtain from any such Govement or authority and rights, privileges and concessions and especially to endeavors to source implementation from the Govement of the guaranteed privileges in respect of (1) proper consideration of their view on important issues reflecting optimum view or opinions held by trade (2) consultation on matters affecting the trade (3) authority to issue certificate of origin measurement, weight, etc in accordance with requirements of the trade and to carry out, exercise to comply with any such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions, and to nominate, delegates, representative advisers and etc. to represent the Association on such govement and Public Bodies.
19. To represent the interest of the members, including (but not limited to) providing research and development (or any other) certification, and to comply with all present and future Govement/regulatory schemes (whether for licenses/quota management/distribution).
20. To subscribe to any local or other charities and to grant donations to public purposes and to grant provident or super annuation fund or fund the servants of the Association or otherwise to assist any such servants, their widows and children.
21. .(a) To draw, accept endorse, cheques, bills, hundies, notes or other negotiable instruments and invest or operate the accounts of the Association with any banks or ban (b) To sign, Seal, executive and deliver all instruments, deeds, documents and writings whatsoever that may be necessary or expenditure in relation to the aforesaid objects or the affairs or interests of the Association. © To open and operate, maintain accounts of the Association in scheduled Bank/Banks. Provided that this provision shall not apply to any fees or remuneration eaed by any members as an arbitrator, umpire or trustee for or on behalf of any member of the Association.
22. To devise measure for protection of members of the Association against persons dealing with whom may be deemed prejudicial to the interest of the members.
23. To remunerate any person or company for service rendered or to rendered in placing or assisting to place or guaranteeing to palace any debentures or other securities of this Association.
24. And generally, to do all that may be necessary to attain the above objects of the Association directly or indirectly and do all such other things as may be conducive to the development of Industry in Pakistan.
IV. The income and property of the Association, howsoever derived, shall be applied solely toward the promotion of the objects of the Association as set forth in this memorandum of Association, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonuses or otherwise howsoever, by way of profit to the persons, who at any time are or have been member of the Association, provided that nothing herein contain shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any members of the Association, or any other person in retu for any services actually rendered for the Association on or payment of interest on monies borrowed from any of the Association, or any contract entered into by the Association.
V. The IV, VII & IX clauses of this memorandum are conditions on which a licence is to tbe granted by the Federal Govement to the Association under the Trade Organization Ordinance 2006.
VI. Every member of the Association undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Association in the event of same being wound up during the time that he is a member, or within one yare afterward which may be within a year from the date of his membership for the payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association contracted before the time at which he ceased to be a member, and of the costs and charges of winding up the same, and for the adjustment of the rights of contributories amongst themselves such amount as may be required not exceeding Rupees 25,000.
VII. Liability of the members is limited. But if any member of the Association pays or receives any dividend, bonus, or other profits in contravention of the Clause IV of this Memorandum, his liability shall be unlimited.
VIII. If, upon winding up or dissolution of the Association, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property, whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other Institution or Institution having objects similar to the object of the Association to be determined by the members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution or in default thereof by judge. We the persons whose names, and addresses, subscribed hereunder are desirous of being formed in Association in Purchase of the Memorandum of Association: